March 29, 2011 Please click on highlighted links to be taken directly there.
You, Daniel Ryder, Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller and 5 others like this.
You, Daniel Ryder, Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller and 5 others like this.
Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller
13 February at 21:34 ·The Letter Reads....
"February 14, 2011
Dear Senator Gillibrand(Senator Schummer, President Obama, Governor Cuomo, Secretary Of State Clinton),
My name is Reverend Paul P. Waldmiller. I am a illegal alien here in the Philippines due to your in...-action to secure my safety against death threats from the City of Batavia, NY Police, illegal actions of Judges and attorney's as well as other government officials in Genesee and Wyoming County NY. This issue began with a Filipina Migration Scammer named Jennie Basal Waldmiller who lives in Batavia, NY. She was given my children, house, all marital and personal property by Judge's Noonan and Bannister in Genesee County NY. I have written the FBI and Justice Department some months ago and am still waiting for a reply from the FBI into an investigation against the aforementioned.
I had(have) been left with the choice to remain here as an illegal alien or to return to the USA to be murdered by the City Of Batavia, NY Police(per their phone call to me). I have no response from you, any of your representatives or from any US Federal, New York State agency or representative in assisting me in exposing the crimes set against me and as well getting me safely home to the USA.
I demand justice ! I demand you get me home safely without fear of death or death threats against me and that all who are involved in these criminal activities be arrested immediately. My children are exposed to a documented pedophile that the Filipina Migration Scammer is aligned with. The City Of Batavia, NY Police refused to arrest that pedophile for attempting to sexually molest my daughters in the past. The police and others there have aligned themselves illegally with criminal elements
There is no reason for me to be here in the Philippines under death threats from police, illegal activities by judges, lawyers and others in and around Genesee County NY. Until I married this Filipina Migration Scammer in the USA, I had no criminal record. This scammer has taken thousands of dollars of U.S and New York State tax payer benefits including “free” college tuition, “free” mortgage payments on my house that was stripped from me and given to her, “free” food stamps, “free” Medicaid, “free” welfare and many more “so called “free” benefits via my and our hard earned US tax payer dollars. See for plenty of video's showing the scammer in her scam.
There is no good reason for me to remain here because of your lack of involvement to correct the illegal acts against me. I have asked for your office or others associated with you for help in the past, but you and others refused. It's time to do what's right and arrest the Filipina Migration Scammer Jennie Basal Waldmiller, judges, police, lawyers and others who are involved in this heinous crime committed against me. I want my US passport immediately returned to me and to come home with my wife to the USA to get my children and where we belong and live without fear of death or illegal acts from government officials or others.
I will not take “no” or no response from you. In 2005 “Vanesa” here in the Philippines accused 4 US Marines of rape. A few years later, to manipulate the legal system here, you sent US agents to her and her family to convince here to change hers story if you moved her to the USA. Don't tell me you can't get justice for me; an American Citizen !(unless you favor marriage fraud scammers over US Citizens).
Your corrective action regarding these illegal acts against me are immediately required.
Rev. Paul P. Waldmiller
paul@gfom.orgSee more
Chris J. Slater
2 minutes ago ·
Pastor, what can I say? Sounds like you're a raving lunatic! Could this really happen in America? Well it happened to me in Canada! Only difference is first Filipina wife, Maria Batoon, took everything, including our two children, Christopher and Christina, and almost drove me to suicide. Instead, I chose Jesus. Second Filipina wife, Helen Octaviano, claimed to be my Sister-in-Christ and used Calvary Baptist Church, Chemainus and their evil theology (no divorce - but my first wife of 25 years left me over parenting our children Cathy, and Ken `when they were teenagers, as did my 1st Filipina wife) to get Canadian citizenship and take our child, Sarah. We'll never get satisfation from "Together we can prevent Violence against Women." politicians, judges, etc. third Filipina wife is so unlike the first 2. Yours too? If the unbeliever leaves, let them. Your story is so similar to mine, but I do accept God has a plan, even when I cannot see His hand. I am glad to see their backsides, but I don't like my 3 children in the "custody" of such evil. I pray they all yet come to repent of their ways. Love God, love one another.
Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller Hey Chris, why did you put my letter from my Fb page on your blog ? You didn't even ask permission or talk to me and tell me you were going to write about me in your blog. Wow Chris, what a surprise to see that.
6 hours ago · · 1 personYou like this.
Pastor Paul P. Waldmiller If you want Chris, I will educate you more about the evils of CPS, Family Courts and yes, Filipina Migration Scammer. I have many frinds who would love to teach you as well.
6 hours ago · · 1 personYou like this.
Chris J. Slater
Sir, you are right, I thought it was news you were posting, and I commented on it. I should have discussed your letter with you, but it seemed clear enough to me. It is a very public document that I strongly agree with. I thought you wanted the world to know the works of the enemy; to mislead and deceive us? Men and women (in the secular world) are easily misled into ways that are evil. I was saved only by the blood of Jesus. Otherwise why would you post that picture of your ex-wife and mother of your three children? Have I misunderstood? If so. please explain and accept my apologies? As for me I am not ashamed of the trials I have had to endure and gone through. I pray that the end result of what we go through in this world will be to God's glory, not ours. That is why I post and appreciate as much exposure of what happens when "authorities" placed over us in this world do wrong. They need our prayers for God's wisdom to stay and lead us on the "straight and narrow". Again, if you are offended, please forgive me.
Hello sir, most excellent Paul.
Have you yet heard back from Senator Gillibrand, Senator Schummer, President Obama, Governor Cuomo, Secretary Of State Clinton, the City of Batavia, NY Police, Judges and attorneys as well as other government officials in Genesee and Wyoming County NY. Jennie Basal Waldmiller who lives in Batavia, NY, your children, Judges Noonan and Bannister in Genesee County NY, the FBI and Justice Department, "Vanesa" or those 4 US Marines accused of raping her?
I didn't think so, but I'm curious to know, what has the Holy Spirit told you about this situation? Or in getting "born again" did you forget this part of what Jesus has said about those who will be saved? (Not Born Again, but 1. BEGOTTEN of God, the Father and 2. filled with the Holy Spiriit.)
You also have said, "If you want Chris, I will educate you more about the evils of CPS, Family Courts and yes, Filipina Migration Scammer. I have many frinds who would love to teach you as well."
Well Paul, I thought to check up on why we are friends, and this is what I found; "You and Pastor Paul: Friends - American Fathers Liberation Army, Legally Kidnapped, Patricia Lessard, Canada Fathers, David Inguanzo, Stephen Baskerville, Christine Backmund. In all, 39 mutual friends.
As to GLOBAL Focus we're both on Mens Banquet & Mens Christian Taken Into Custody." That is why I asked to be your friend and I'm assuming that is why you accepted.
For the record sir, I was raised Church of England until 5, then Anglican in Canada, but at 17 walked from that religion. Since then I was a seeker, until in 1995 at the age of 46, beaten down by my two ex-wives (first a Canadian, 25 years then a Filipina for 2 years), I decided to end it all. I used to believe that peole were good and wanted to do good, I didn't understand how evil we are in this world.
Truck running in closed garage, I remembered a witness by two former mortgage lender aquaintances who after getting me the money I needed for my businesses and rental properties, would say, "Before you leave Chris, can we pray about what use you'll put this money to?" What a couple of weirdo's? But they got me the money at the best interest rate, so why not humour them?
So they would pray, I would listen and remember to Amen at the right time and then go use the cheques. I was a good businessman, doing good things for people. I didn't need any religion, but now with my escape plan, CO (carbon monoxide) in place, I remembered them saying, "If ever you are in a place that you have no hope, why not try Jesus?" So I did. No great prayer, just a simple heart felt request, "If you're for real Jesus, help me now!" No great revelation, just a sense of peace. I shut off the engine, went to bed wondering what was going to happen next... That is how religion found me again!
I wanted to find more of Jesus, but instead I found more religion as practiced by so called "Christians" in the Churches of Rome, Pentecostals, Baptists, Full Gospel, Seventh Day Adventists, United, Four Square, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc. , etc.
And corruption in high places, people who have no idea of what "In God we trust" means. Which God,
which Bible translation is the Word of God? I realized to them " In God we trust" is a preamble to the rest, "All others pay CASH" That is their real god, because <span>it's all about the MONEY</span>!
Yes sir, (as my Ex-Filipina wives would say, with a smile, all the time thinking abut how they would like to cut out my heart and stomp on it). I thank God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for my salvation, education and for allowing me to know Him and His ways, to His glory, not that I should boast. Yes I have come to a perfect understanding of what is going on here. Thank you Jesus for showing me the Way.
To be a Christian is to live in Christ, just like some one living in California is a Californian, an American living in US, a Canadian living in Canada or a Filipino or Filipina living in the Philippines. How to be a true follower of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Submit to His authority (will), to truly learn and believe we can only trust in God and do all that we do to His glory. Nothing else will do.
You also have said before, "If you want Chris, I will educate you more about the evils of CPS, Family Courts and yes, Filipina Migration Scammer. I have many frinds who would love to teach you as well." Well, sir, I have been taught by the "best". They will say and do anything to get and maintain their control. Extortion, fraud, theft, abduction, kidnapping, forgery, false witness, prejury, death threats, false accusations of rape, assault and attempted murder, court mandated loss of my children to CPS, womyns shelters, and FMEP (Maxima Inc.-
All this in the name of The Corporation -
These are people who want power and money without having any personal responsibility for what they do. "Professional Corporations" include the greatest of these psychopathic crooks - lawyers, judges, privatizing politicians. etc.
Eighteen years I've lived in Refiner's Fire, I pray He keeps me in this untill He decides to take me home
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